stomach pain

June 15, 2017

Infant Colic

Treating Babies with Colic Mothers know how helplessly frustrating a colicky baby can be: The relentless crying that can’t seem to be remedied. Babies have brand […]
March 12, 2016

Can Digestive Problems Lead to Disease

 What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?  Disruption of the gut lining can be caused by food intolerance, alcohol, stress, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, candida, fatty acid deficiencies which […]
February 17, 2015

How do you know if you are sensitive to gluten?

Is a gluten-free diet for Me? In today’s world ‘gluten-free’ is a popular buzzword, and becoming a trendy lifestyle–but how do you determine if this lifestyle […]
May 9, 2014

Parasites. How do you know if you have them…And how do I get rid of them?

Parasites. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them…or wait! Do you suffer with hives, intestinal troubles, stomach pain, fatigue, anemia and/or rashes? If so, this […]